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Targeting System 2.0.0
Plugin for multipurpose targeting and visual effects.
Classes | |
class | AsyncMessageBroker |
In-Memory PubSub filtered by Type. More... | |
class | AsyncOperationExtensions |
class | AsyncReactiveCommand |
Variation of ReactiveCommand, when executing command then CanExecute = false after CanExecute = true. More... | |
class | AsyncReactiveCommandExtensions |
class | AsyncSubject |
class | BehaviorSubject |
class | BooleanDisposable |
class | BooleanNotifier |
Notify boolean flag. More... | |
struct | CancellationToken |
struct | CollectionAddEvent |
struct | CollectionMoveEvent |
struct | CollectionRemoveEvent |
struct | CollectionReplaceEvent |
class | CompositeDisposable |
class | CountNotifier |
Notify event of count flag. More... | |
struct | DictionaryAddEvent |
class | DictionaryDisposable |
struct | DictionaryRemoveEvent |
struct | DictionaryReplaceEvent |
class | Disposable |
class | DisposableExtensions |
class | EventPattern |
Represents a .NET event invocation consisting of the weakly typed object that raised the event and the data that was generated by the event. More... | |
class | FrameCountTypeExtensions |
struct | FrameInterval |
Represents a value associated with time interval information. The time interval can represent the time it took to produce the value, the interval relative to a previous value, the value's delivery time relative to a base, etc. More... | |
interface | IAsyncMessageBroker |
interface | IAsyncMessagePublisher |
interface | IAsyncMessageReceiver |
interface | IAsyncReactiveCommand |
interface | ICancelable |
interface | IConnectableObservable |
interface | ICustomYieldInstructionErrorHandler |
interface | IEventPattern |
Represents a .NET event invocation consisting of the strongly typed object that raised the event and the data that was generated by the event. More... | |
interface | IGroupedObservable |
interface | IMessageBroker |
interface | IMessagePublisher |
interface | IMessageReceiver |
class | InspectorDisplayAttribute |
interface | IObservable |
interface | IObserver |
Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications and returning a response. More... | |
interface | IObserverLinkedList |
interface | IOptimizedObservable |
interface | IProgress |
interface | IReactiveCollection |
interface | IReactiveCommand |
interface | IReactiveDictionary |
interface | IReactiveProperty |
interface | IReadOnlyReactiveCollection |
interface | IReadOnlyReactiveDictionary |
interface | IReadOnlyReactiveProperty |
interface | IScheduler |
interface | ISchedulerLongRunning |
interface | ISchedulerPeriodic |
interface | ISchedulerQueueing |
interface | IStructuralComparable |
interface | IStructuralEquatable |
interface | ISubject |
interface | ITuple |
class | MainThreadDispatcher |
class | MessageBroker |
In-Memory PubSub filtered by Type. More... | |
class | MultilineReactivePropertyAttribute |
Enables multiline input field for StringReactiveProperty. Default line is 3. More... | |
class | MultipleAssignmentDisposable |
class | Notification |
Represents a notification to an observer. More... | |
class | Observable |
class | ObservableExtensions |
class | ObservableWWW |
class | ObservableYieldInstruction |
class | ObserveExtensions |
class | Observer |
class | ObserverExtensions |
class | ObserverNode |
class | OptimizedObservableExtensions |
struct | Pair |
class | Progress |
class | RangeReactivePropertyAttribute |
Enables range input field for Int/FloatReactiveProperty. More... | |
class | ReactiveCollection |
class | ReactiveCollectionExtensions |
class | ReactiveCommand |
Represents ReactiveCommand<Unit> More... | |
class | ReactiveCommandExtensions |
class | ReactiveDictionary |
class | ReactiveDictionaryExtensions |
class | ReactiveProperty |
Lightweight property broker. More... | |
class | ReactivePropertyExtensions |
Extension methods of ReactiveProperty<T> | |
class | ReadOnlyReactiveProperty |
Lightweight property broker. More... | |
class | RefCountDisposable |
Represents a disposable resource that only disposes its underlying disposable resource when all dependent disposable objects have been disposed. More... | |
class | ReplaySubject |
class | ScheduledDisposable |
class | ScheduledNotifier |
Notify value on setuped scheduler. More... | |
class | Scheduler |
class | SerialDisposable |
class | SingleAssignmentDisposable |
class | StableCompositeDisposable |
Represents a group of disposable resources that are disposed together. More... | |
class | Stubs |
class | Subject |
class | SubjectExtensions |
struct | TimeInterval |
Represents a value associated with time interval information. The time interval can represent the time it took to produce the value, the interval relative to a previous value, the value's delivery time relative to a base, etc. More... | |
class | Timestamped |
Represents value with a timestamp on it. The timestamp typically represents the time the value was received, using an IScheduler's clock to obtain the current time. More... | |
class | Tuple |
struct | Unit |
class | UnityEventExtensions |
class | UnityGraphicExtensions |
class | UnityUIComponentExtensions |
class | WebRequestExtensions |
class | WWWErrorException |
class | YieldInstructionCache |
Typedefs | |
using | Hash = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary< string, string > |
using | HashEntry = System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair< string, string > |
Enumerations | |
enum | NotificationKind { OnNext , OnError , OnCompleted } |
Indicates the type of a notification. More... | |
enum | CountChangedStatus { Increment , Decrement , Empty , Max } |
Event kind of CountNotifier. More... | |
enum | FrameCountType { Update , FixedUpdate , EndOfFrame } |
enum | MainThreadDispatchType { Update , FixedUpdate , EndOfFrame , GameObjectUpdate , LateUpdate } |
Event kind of CountNotifier.
Enumerator | |
Increment | Count incremented. |
Decrement | Count decremented. |
Empty | Count is zero. |
Max | Count arrived max. |