Targeting System 2.0.0
Plugin for multipurpose targeting and visual effects.
Plugins.GeometricVision.TargetingSystem.Code.ActionsTemplateTriggerActionElement Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 ActionsTemplateTriggerActionElement (bool enabled, float startDelay, float duration, GameObject prefab, bool spawnAtSource, bool spawnAtTarget, bool unParentFromSource, GV_TargetingSystem gvTargetingSystem, AudioClip audioClip, float audioVolume, float audioSpatialBlend)


float StartDelay [get, set]
float Duration [get, set]
GameObject Prefab [get, set]
bool Enabled [get, set]
bool SpawnAtTarget [get, set]
bool SpawnAtSource [get, set]
string Name [get, set]
int instantiatedObjectsHasCode [get, set]
bool UnParentFromSource [get, set]
bool SpawnAsEntity [get, set]
float AudioVolume [get, set]
float AudioSpatialBlend [get, set]
AudioClip AudioClipToUse [get, set]
Object EntityFilter [get, set]
string GameObjectTag [get, set]

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